HOPP Creative offers a unique synergy of technical ability and a passion for creativeness...

We (Donna & Jason) have a passion for the creative arts, teamed together with technical skills born out of a decade of industrial pursuits. This ensures we can offer a full solution and a considered result for your project, and in the process allowing your ideas to grow into something amazing...

Our Macclesfield based freelance design service offers you complete solutions with a personal touch and at a competitive price, so why not contact us to discuss your requirements?


Staying out for the summer...Playing games in the rain

We've just gotten back from a couple of weeks camping down in St.Ives, Cornwall...typical the weather picked up on the day we had to take the tent down! Good times had anyway...Primal Scream at Eden Project being the high point...a venue I would recomend anyone to experience once...stunning once again!

Stumbled upon a cool design duo in the Sloop Galleries in St.Ives...Muju...Some great prints and paintings by Mr Muju and the most awesome felt figues by Miss Muju...looking forward to getting our purchase of the Kernow ScreenPrint framed and on the wall...

They have an online store with lots of goodies to browse through...http://mujuworld.co.uk/

All in all a pretty relaxing and inspiring trip...Can't wait for the next one!...Now time to get on with some work :(

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